Channel Your Soul Wisdom

Our body is fashioned to feel the Presence, to intuit the Essence, and to become one

with the Animating Principle. When we go inward, a world that is still and potent

awakens. This is the threshold through which we must pass to arrive at the

transcendent. Through the body of form, we are able to gain access to the formless

Soul, our connection with that which is beyond all knowing.

Ann Mortifee


Connecting with your heart awakens your soul. The more you open your heart, the deeper you connect with your soul and access its profound wisdom. One way to do this is through a writing process that I share in my Channel Your Soul Wisdom writing circles.

With the heart being the portal to the soul realm, I open each writing circle with a guided heart meditation to support you to quiet your mind and raise the vibration of the energy in your heart center. Then when the circle of women is centered in the heart space, I offer a powerful writing prompt as a guide for you to connect with your soul -- its wisdom and guidance.

Some women fear what is going to be revealed through their writing process and often experience resistance that shows up as not knowing what to write. There is a misconception that the purpose of inner exploration is to find what is wrong with you or to reveal what you haven’t done right. That mindset belongs to the egoic ‘not enough’ story that has been deeply engrained and is often the root of the fear of what will be revealed. Channel writing accesses the soul and shines the light on the beauty of who you are. The soul guides you to align with the truth of who you are.

Channel writing is a process. I teach this process in a series of six circles and each circle is designed to build on what you learned in the previous circle to support you to deepen your connection to your soul. Channel writing is an experiential process. This means that it allows you to experience your soul through connecting and developing a relationship with it. Women often tell me they already listen to their soul; however, when they describe their relationship with their soul and how their soul communicates with them, what I hear is the language of the insidious human ego disguised as the soul. One of the most important aspects of channel writing is that it allows you to experience your soul and to learn how your soul expresses through you. As you learn about your soul and how it communicates with you, you can start to discern whether the guidance you are being given is from your soul or your ego. This knowing is life changing. In my experience, the ego will often tell you whatever supports its underlying agenda — an agenda that is always rooted in fear. Perhaps you have had the experience of seeking guidance but you are not open to hearing guidance that will take you out of your comfort zone. The ego will tell you what you want to hear and you may think that you are making the ‘right’ choice but the truth is you simply made a choice that will keep you in your comfort zone. The soul will reveal what serves your highest good but that may not be the guidance you want to hear. The soul is about expansion and growth and serves the highest good of all. The ego is about staying small to be safe and serves self. My intention is that the channel writing process will open the door for you to access the wisdom of your soul. Once you learn this process, it will support you to gain confidence and trust in yourself to live in alignment with your soul truth.

I have been channel writing for over twenty-five years. With practice, it has become a trusted process to access my soul wisdom and guidance to support me to live aligned with my soul power. Channel Writing can be used to channel wisdom from other sources as well. For example, I use this process to channel the archetypal patterns (universal patterns of power) that express through me. It opens a connection that enables me to communicate with them to better understand how I use my power to engage with life. For instance, if I engage from fear, I deplete my power. If I engage with the intention of serving the whole, my power expands.

In my experience, channel writing has been, and continues to be, an empowering process that supports my path of being the sovereign being I came to be. Because channel writing is an important part of my spiritual journey, I share it with deep love and reverence.


Client Reflections

“I have found Katharina's guided channel writing a particularly enlightening experience as she is gifted in facilitating soul level communication. Channel writing with her therefore becomes a conversation with your soul instead of a purely intellectual exploration. She always creates an open, loving and safe space in which to connect and learn from our higher selves and each other. Her questions guide me to consider things in a deeper way than I may have otherwise, leading to new insights. Sometimes the insights come immediately through the writing, sometimes only upon hearing others in the group sharing their answers and feeling a resonance. Other times, the insights elicited from the channel writing come days or weeks later. The experience is always meaningful and beneficial - as is any time shared heart to heart with Katharina.”  


“Channel writing with Katharina has provided the opportunity to take another deep dive into the vast and glorious abyss of my soul. Katharina’s prompts guide you to align your soul current with the current of source. Having your own experience witnessed by other women, along with listening to their experiences of soul expansion creates the opportunity to actively synthesize one’s own insights that have been unearthed by the prompts. Together, in our channel writing circle, we are the weavers. The weavers of our own consciousness. Like a fence being mended. Each woman a pillar, each branch woven between each pillar signifies the active unpacking of our story and building ourselves back up with inner knowing and consciousness. Katharina’s channel writing sessions truly bring meaning to the saying, “we are all walking one another home” to ourselves.”

Tiffany Marie