All Paths Lead to Love

When I moved to Nova Scotia in the 1990’s and started exploring its incredible beauty, I stumbled upon the Tangled Gardens in Grand Pre. I was attracted to its mystical ambiance, unique beauty and creativity. Every plant, in its distinctive way, was an expression of love, and that love was ever present in the gardens.

Over the years, I have visited the gardens so many times that I have lost count. I don’t remember when I first saw this awe-inspiring piece of art appear in the garden but I fell in love with it at first sight. Every time I go to the gardens I stand in front of it in awe. Each time, I see it through different eyes. For me it is symbolic of the human journey. We are born into a human body and experience separation from our center — from Oneness/Source. It is like we are standing on the outside looking in but not remembering that all the paths lead us back to our center — love.

My life journey has been an exploration of many paths and it has been an experience of continuously aligning to my truth. I was born to parents that had aligned with the puritanical path. They chose a religion that supported that path. That path was not mine. When I left home, I explored a few other religious practices but they didn’t align with my soul’s path either. I then realized that I was not honouring my unique path and the gifts I had to support me to walk that path. I was following paths that were giving others what I thought I wanted, and I was of the mindset that if I did exactly what they did, I would create what they had for myself. I soon learned that didn’t work. It seems to be our human way, as I remember hearing Elizabeth Gilbert say that when she published Eat Pray Love, many women traced her path wanting what she had experienced. They were very disappointed when they traveled to all the same places and it didn’t happen for them. And now, with the benefit of hindsight, I can draw an example of this from my own life as well: my daughter and I share a relationship where our love and our knowing of each other is so deep that I can’t language it. It just is. It is the most beautiful relationship I have experienced with another human and I know I won’t experience another identical to it. Over the years, many mothers and daughters have asked me to teach them how to have a relationship like K and I share. I can share the journey with them but even if they follow it step by step they won’t create the same for themselves. That is not the way life works. Each of us has unique gifts that support our soul path. Each of us have archetypal patterns expressing through us that support our soul path. Each of us is a unique expression of Spirit and when we align with our soul path, the life we create will be unique to us. The truth is when we live a life aligned with our soul path, we experience the love we seek. Just as this piece of art depicts, there are many paths all leading to the same center. There is no wrong choice; no matter what path you choose, when you align with your soul truth it will guide you right into the center.

In accepting the truth that I couldn’t walk another being’s path, I liberated myself by giving myself permission to walk my own path. It was a steep learning curve. When opportunities presented themselves, I learned that my mind would tell me whatever I wanted to hear and I would say yes to experiences that did not align with my truth. This caused pain and suffering for myself and all involved. Fortunately, I had an incredible guide that taught me the process of discernment. Discernment for me is more of a ‘feeling into’ process versus a thinking process. In other words, it is a heart-focused process, whereas trying to figure it out and hoping to get it right is an egoic mind process.

There have been many times where I have been on a path and I would begin to feel that there was a change coming. In time, I would find myself at a ‘y’ in the path. Either the right or the left of the ‘y’ would be crystal clear. I could see how everything would unfold. The other branch would be a black void. I couldn’t see anything. My egoic mind would be urging me to take the path I could see so clearly. My heart would steer me into the unknown. I learned that my heart is always in alignment with my soul truth and when I open my heart and feel into an opportunity, it is very clear what aligns with my truth and what doesn’t. I have learned to feel safe in the unknown when I am aligned with my soul power.

The power of the Birth Your True Self process is that it is a Universal process that serves wholeness/oneness/love. You and every other human is unique and each step in this process is experienced in a way that is in alignment with your needs. I liken it to the physical birth process. When I had my birth practice, many parents-to-be attended my classes and availed themselves of my doula service. They were all exposed to the same information in the classes, but my support was unique for each of them in their birth experience. The information from the classes was used in a way to support their individual process, and what didn’t serve was not used.

All birth processes, whether it is physical birth, the birth of a new business, a birth of a creative piece or birth of one’s true self, are unique to the individual and yet similar to the birth processes of others with respect to specific elements. The six steps in the Birth Your True Self process are the elements that are the same, but how they are arrived at and how they are expressed are unique. Being aware is the first step. Without awareness, the process cannot unfold. Without allowing space for the unfolding and then acceptance of what is revealed, the process can’t continue.

I have used this Birth Your True Self process countless times in my own life and have guided many other women through it, and I am always in awe of its power to catalyze healing and transformation. What makes this process powerful?  Archetypal patterns are patterns of energy. Their energy is expressed through the human body as a pattern of behavior. In other words, the archetypal energy is expressed through matter but archetypes are not of matter. Being aware and learning about your archetypal patterns is an important part of the process, but that alone does not transform them. Transforming them requires action at an energetic level. The archetypal patterns are in the eighth energy center which is above the human body. When I work with the Birth Your True Self process, I am using my gifts to hold space and to support you at an energetic level. As you move through the process, you have an opportunity to transmute the patterns that don’t align with your soul truth. This process is about you expanding your consciousness, healing by transmuting patterns and transforming your life by aligning with your soul truth. This process supports our present human evolution as it aligns with wholeness. It is one of the many paths that leads to love.

I invite you to check out ‘How I Serve’, so you can discern for yourself it this path aligns with your soul path.