Walking out of the Fire


We are in the fire. A sacred fire. A fire of transformation.

Our task is to walk out of the fire versus

being consumed by it.

As the words above flowed from my pen, the truth of them resonated deeply within, I am aware of an experience in another timeline where I was burned at the stake. The pain of being burned alive was so overwhelming that I went mad as my physical body was literally consumed by the fire. I don’t believe that it is a coincidence that I am here on earth at this time with the memory of that experience. However, this time it is not about being burned at the stake, rather, it is about walking out of the fire transformed. To walk out of it, I needed to release attachment to the past — to the patriarchal spell that was cast on humanity thousands of years ago — and expand my consciousness beyond survival consciousness to liberate myself from separation to embrace oneness. It is time to write a new story that looks nothing like the past.

I have designed a six-step process that enables women to birth their true selves and release the story of who they believe themselves to be. The story of who they think they are is nothing more than thousands of years of patriarchal conditioning. The process to walk out of the past involves releasing attachment to the illusionary story. That is an inner process.

I have witnessed many women cringe when they learn that the way to walk out of the fire involves inner exploration. Perhaps it is because inner exploration is most often viewed through a patriarchal lens; through this lens, it is perceived to be an arduous process that is emotionally painful. The focus is on what is ‘wrong’ with an individual, what they are doing incorrectly, and then the need to fix all that is wrong, as if everything they discover is their identity.

What if you knew there is nothing wrong with you? That there is nothing about you that needs to be fixed? What if you knew you are not broken?  What if the inner exploration could focus on bringing to the light the beauty of who you are? What if you knew that in remembering and birthing your true self, your attachment to the patriarchal story of who you thought you were, simply dissolves? What if you knew it was an opportunity to know yourself as never before and claim your power —your fire — your sovereignty? What if you knew you have a new story to write and it looks nothing like your past? Would you allow yourself to birth your true self (transform) and walk out of the fire?

The Birth Your True Self process challenges you to become aware of who you truly are. There are layers of story to liberate yourself from. The first layer of story is the cover story, the identity that you project onto your outer environment, who you desire to be seen as and how you want others to think of you. Underneath the cover story, lies a story that has been programed into your unconscious, that you identify strongly with because you believe it to be the truth of who you are. You are so frightened that it is true that you spend your life trying to prove that it isn’t true. Under that story lies the truth of who you really are. The truth of who you are cannot be fully expressed until the layers of story have been burned away. Only then can you see the true self the stories were covering.

What if my story is different and my life experience is different from other women’s?

Life experience generates story and these stories all share universal archetypal patterns. Birth Your True Self focuses on the patterns as they are the key to unravelling the story. Every woman’s story and life experiences are different. Every woman I guide through this process engages with it in their own unique way just as you will engage in the way that meets your needs and serves your highest good. The patriarchal conditioning has been focused around getting it right, as if there is one right way to do something. That is linear thinking and this process is not linear. When working the Birth Your True Self process there is no right or wrong way. Engaging in this process is about self-exploration and self-discovery and it involves you learning to move with the energy of what is unfolding within you and around you in the present moment.

The Birth Your True Self process consists of six steps:

1.     Become aware of how the core story of the patriarch and its patterns express through you.

2.     Identify the beliefs, fears and emotions generated by the story.

3.     Allow space to let the story rise into your awareness.

4.     Envision living a life aligned with your true self.

5.     Accept that the old story is not your identity.

6.     Integrate the old and the new stories.

When I guide you through the Birth Your True Self process, the intention is that in your own time you awaken your soul and remember how to communicate with it. When you connect with your soul, you connect to source energy. That is the birthright of your soul. What if you knew you came to have this human experience at this time to remember your sovereignty? When you feel into that how does it feel? How does your mind react? How does your body react?  To be sovereign requires walking out of the fire and remembering the truth of who you are, birthing your true self and living it. When you birth your true self, your soul power — the fire that burns within you is your sovereignty.

Tiffany Marie’s experience sums up the Birth Your True Self process beautifully. “With Katharina's unwavering support and eloquent guidance through the inner reflection process, I attained a level of awareness I hadn't experienced before. As she held the light for me, I passed through thresholds of my own consciousness and a new path unfolded before me. 

Today, I am living a version of myself that I previously did not know how to nurture. Katharina’s incredible ability to hold space and journey with souls, even virtually, has allowed me to take a breath and acknowledge the radiance that already exists inside of me. As I worked through the process of releasing attachment to my stories, layer by layer, allowing the wind to take them as they did not belong to my soul, I felt a lightness, a deepening, a knowing and a love for myself expand inside me each time we met.

Workshops, book shares, witnessing ceremonies, intensive individual sessions, women’s circles, each of these experiences with Katharina helped me explore my inner self more deeply.” Tiffany Marie  

It brings a huge smile to my face and joy to my heart when a woman walks through this process and i then I hear her say that no longer needs me to walk with her. For me there is no greater joy than when a woman remembers she is a sovereign being and knows her true power. That is when I know I have truly served an in the process we have liberated each other and walk out of the past into the future.

I invite you to visit my website, there you will discover a number of ways to engage in the six-step process at various price points.

The biggest risk of engaging in this six-step process is

transforming your life

in ways you didn’t think were possible.

It is a gift that you give yourself that serves you for life.